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Northern Lights

Martial Arts Center

1310 S. Front Street

Marquette, Michigan

Facility and Rates

​​​​Our Mission:


The Northern Lights Martial Arts Center (NLMAC) was formed as an official Michigan nonprofit corporation serving Marquette and surrounding areas in 1999.  It was founded by members of Cuong Nhu Martial Arts, Matsukaze-Ryu Goshin-Do, and Northern Lights Women's Self-Defense.  We are incorporated under the Michigan Non-Profit Corporation Act, Act 162, Public Acts of 1982 and Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.


Our mission is to promote, preserve, and assist traditional martial arts groups and other traditional arts, helping them to improve health, wellness, longevity and safety in our community by providing facilities, shared equipment, and training opportunities. 


By working together, we not only share the costs of preserving and passing on our traditions, but also create a cooperative environment in which students and instructors can learn from multiple arts if desired.

In addition to our martial arts members, we have provided our services to many other client groups including instructors of yoga, tumbling, traditional folk dancing, Chinese medicine, Qigong, and meditation. 

​​Membership at Northern Lights Martial Arts Center:


There are two memberships, individual and client.  Individual memberships are for all students and instructors using the facility.  Client membership is a relationship between our organization and the instructor(s) of each art. 


Client member groups share the facility, equipment, and expenses, as well as the responsibilities of operation such as cleaning and maintenance. New groups/instructors that join us will be given a facility orientation and a packet of instructions explaining the facility rules and shared responsibilities for respecting the space and keeping it clean and safe for everyone.

​​Each Northern Lights Member (including instructors) pays an individual annual (yearly) membership fee upon joining, and signs a membership form and waiver.  This fee primarily covers our insurance and other operating expenses such as utilities, cleaning and office supplies, facility upgrades and maintenance, etc.  The membership fee is is due again each January.

$35 per year for kids under 14

$50 per person 14 and up.

Each group's monthly or per-session costs are their own responsibility to set and collect in order to pay rent and cover any other operating expenses.  


If you are a certified instructor of a nonprofit traditional art and need a facility to train in, we invite you to apply to become one of our Client Member groups!  Current studio openings are primarily during daytime and weekends.  Contact us for current hourly rental rates, membership details, and scheduling.  

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